Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Framed Heart

It's hidden in disguise

Words that tricked down my spine

Building tension

I am lost in the ascension

Hear my throaty cries.

Your greased hand outstretched,

I reach to clasp it

But fall back into the abyss.

Oblivious in the darkness,

You destroyed the obvious



And yet, I keep it chained,

Deep beneath the glass pane

It beats a distant tapping,

A faint and steady rapping,

Resting in leaden symmetry

Next to rosy potpourri.

DAH, 2008 / All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Blessed Imbloc to You

Imbloc ~ Spring Equinox, 2013

Rosemary, Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon
Corn Doll, Besom/Broom, Spring Flowers
Red, Orange, White

Imbloc, also known as Brigid's (Bridhid, Bridget) Day is one of the 4 Celtic Fire Festivals or Holidays. It is the time of year when the first signs of Spring are celebrated as the energy of the [three-fold)Goddess changes from Crone to Maiden.

On this special day, as we dedicate honor to the Rebirth of Sun and Spring, we also commemorate the Celtic Goddess Brigid, who is the Triple Goddess ruling the arts, healing and craft, ultimately making today a very good day to practice making something by hand and being creative. Burning red, orange, yellow or white candles today will purify your home, and be a reminder of this Sun-centered holiday.

Imbolc is about birth and rebirth, as the Goddess rests after giving birth to the God, where symbolically, the longer days awaken Her as the young God's energy is a symbol of extending hours of light. From the warmth of the sun, the Earth begins to absorb the warmth and plants and seeds begin to appear.

"My thanks for what
You have let me see.
I know my direction is now up to me.
I will blaze this path. Blessed be."