I keep the home fires burning with my favorite candle scents from Yankee Candle. I bought my last Yankee Candle (Sage and Citrus) at the Original Vermont Store in Poultney, Vermont, which now is the building that just happens to be my childhood home! I am highlighting my two favorites.
Blueberry...Symbolism: Protection.
Dream Theory: "To dream of blueberries means your youth and the desire to recapture aspects of your youth. It is a symbol of eternity and optimism of the future. Alternatively, it may depict your depressed mood and sadden state of mind."
Sage...Symbolism: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Dream Theory: "If you see sage means for you to get more in touch with your spirituality. If you are burning sage suggest you might need to rid yourself of bad energy’s."
Grapefruit...Dream Theory: "...forecasts a period of confusion due to a conflict between your business and love life; listen to advice but rely on your own intuition to resolve the matter."
Lemons...Symbolism: Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship. Dream Theory: "Not a particularly auspicious omen, but its portent is modified by the action in your dream. If the lemon was sucked, it portends social difficulties or embarrassment; if it was being squeezed, it indicates upcoming money problems and a need for economy; however, to dream of making, serving, or drinking lemonade predicts an increase in personal popularity."
Oranges...Symbolism: Love, Divination, Luck, Money Dream Theory: "To see them growing or boxed for shipment is a forecast of a slow but steady improvement in your circumstances; to eat them or drink the juice predicts a short but unforgettable love affair; and orange blossoms, as expected, signify news of a wedding."
Citrus... (General) Dream Theory: "Dreaming of citrus means combating illness or trouble. May represent your abilities, faith, morals and good deeds."